Surya Marine Center started in 1995, back then we set up our warehouse in Surabaya , the second largest city in Indonesia in the east of Java island. The company was growing steadily while we are also learning on how to get more variety on our stocks at the same time maintaining our main goal of having a mutually beneficial relationship with all our customers. Surprisingly the demand from our customers has grown significantly which need us to find any way to fullfil our customer’s order by collecting more quantity & varieties while still maintaining our quality.
We decided to build a collection warehouse in Banyuwangi, located right at Bali’s strait seaside. The new warehouse location right at the heart of majority of Indonesia’s divers villages thus give us an undisputed advantages on the first hand selection of fishes & inverts from the divers and suppliers. Just right behind our facility is a long stretching bali’s coral reefs and the seawater quality is at best . By now, we have double the size of our facilities in Banyuwangi. Our quarantine facilities consist of a couple hundreds of aquarium tanks and cubicle while our filtration systems also supported by modern husbandry equipments such as Protein Skimmers, U.V. Lights, Chillers, and Ozonizer to produce the best quality marine fishes & invertebrates for our customers.
With over 10 years of experience of exporting tropical marine fishes & inverts all over the world, our staffs are among the most experience and well trained of handling, keeping and exporting marine fishes in Indonesia. While majority of our divers and suppliers are MAC Certified, and have passed series of training of catching and handling marine fishes under MAC trainer supervision and standards. And soon, we will be also starting our freshwater.
In care of the preserving the beauty of Indo’s coral reef and the industry sustainable for years, we have started culturing some species of the corals. Now in the 2 nd year of our culturing project behind our facilities, the cultured corals have grown into beautiful garden both on shallow and deep water reefs. We will be submitting for the approval of our cultured CITES in 2008 and hopefully we can start exporting our cultured products in 2009 with C-CITES.
We are attempting to create higher level of product quality and customer service better than others in the industry. In doing so we are committed to help our customers become more profitable and strong sense of satisfaction as a result of their business relationship with Surya Marine Center. So if you are interested of visiting our facilities or having a trial shipment from us, please feel free to contact us at the above number or e-mail address at anytime. We are most happy to welcome all new customers to try our best quality of Indonesia's Tropical Marine Fishes and Invertebrates.